Account-Based Marketing: A Modern Approach To Lead Generation

ABM has quickly become a hot topic in digital marketing. Is it time for small businesses to pay attention?

Account-Based Marketing: A Modern Approach To Lead Generation

As a marketer, I am always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to reach audiences and deliver the best possible experience. No one likes to be sold to, and the art of growth is about how you can help first. As a strategy ABM seeks to close the gap between company and prospect by making messaging and content more personalized and helpful.

Introduction to ABM (Account-Based Marketing)

First, let's start with the basics. ABM, or Account-Based Marketing, is a targeted marketing approach that focuses on specific accounts or customers rather than a broad audience. With ABM, marketers create personalized content and campaigns for individual accounts (e.g. companies) and even specific prospects within those companies, tailoring their messaging to the specific needs and pain points of each account and job function.

Why is it important?

ABM is important because it allows marketers to more efficiently deploy their digital marketing dollars by focusing only on those accounts that have the most potential for their business. Rather than casting a wide net and hoping to catch some interested parties, ABM allows marketers to strategically target prospects to maximize revenue opportunity and product-market fit.

ABM also allows for a more personalized and relevant experience for the account, improving the chances of conversion. By tailoring content and messaging to the specific needs of each account, marketers can create a more meaningful connection, build trust with prospects and help before asking for the sale.

The benefits of ABM marketing

The benefits of ABM marketing are vast, and they have been proven repeatedly. Here are just a few of the key benefits:

Higher conversion rates

By focusing on high-value accounts and creating personalized content, ABM has been shown to have higher conversion rates than traditional marketing approaches. For example, a study by the Alterra Group found that 97% of marketers saw a higher ROI with ABM than with any other marketing approach.

Better alignment between sales and marketing

ABM requires close collaboration between sales and marketing teams, which can lead to better alignment and more effective sales strategies. By working together to identify target accounts and create personalized content, sales and marketing teams can create a more cohesive and effective approach to selling.

Improved customer experience

ABM puts the customer at the center of the marketing strategy, which can lead to a more positive and relevant customer experience. By tailoring content and messaging to the specific needs and pain points of each account, marketers can create a more meaningful connection with the account, leading to higher levels of engagement and loyalty.

How ABM differs from traditional marketing

ABM differs from traditional marketing in several key ways. First, ABM is highly targeted, focusing on specific accounts rather than a broad audience. Second, ABM is more personalized, creating content and messaging that is tailored to the specific needs and pain points of each account. Finally, ABM requires close collaboration between sales and marketing teams, which can lead to better alignment and more effective sales strategies.

The ABM process: identifying target accounts

The first step in ABM is identifying the target accounts that you want to focus on. This requires a deep understanding of your ideal customer profile, including their industry, size, and pain points. Once you have identified your target accounts, you can begin creating personalized content and messaging for each account.

Creating personalized content for ABM

Creating personalized content for ABM requires a deep understanding of each account's needs and pain points. This may include creating custom landing pages, email campaigns, and social media content for each account. It is important to tailor your messaging to the specific needs of the account, rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach.

Measuring the success of your ABM campaign

Creating personalized content for ABM requires a deep understanding of each account's needs and pain points. This may include creating custom landing pages, email campaigns, and social media content for each account. It is important to tailor your messaging to the specific needs of the account, rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach.

ABM tools and technology

Creating personalized content for ABM requires a deep understanding of each account's needs and pain points. This may include creating custom landing pages, email campaigns, and social media content for each account. It is important to tailor your messaging to the specific needs of the account, rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach.

ABM best practices and tips

Here are a few best practices and tips for successful ABM marketing:

  • Start by identifying your highest-value accounts
  • Create personalized content and messaging foreach account
  • Collaborate closely with sales and marketing teams
  • Use targeted advertising to reach your target accounts
  • Measure success with focused metrics like account engagement and revenue growth

How to get started with ABM marketing

Getting started with ABM marketing requires careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps to getting started:

  1. Identify your highest-value accounts
  2. Develop a deep understanding of each account's needs and pain points
  3. Create personalized content and messaging foreach account
  4. Collaborate closely with sales and marketing teams
  5. Use targeted advertising to reach your target accounts
  6. Measure success with focused metrics like account engagement and revenue growth

ABM case studies and examples

Here are a few examples of successful ABM campaigns:


Terminus, an account-based marketing platform, used ABM to generate more than $2 million in revenue in just 12 months. By focusing on highly-targeted advertising and personalized content, Terminus was able to convert high-value accounts into customers.


Uberflip, a content marketing platform, used ABM to increase its close rate by 35%. By creating personalized content and messaging for its target accounts, Uberflip was able to build trust and credibility with its customers, leading to higher levels of engagement and conversion.

The future of ABM marketing

The future of ABM marketing is bright, with more and more companies adopting this approach every day. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more advanced tools and techniques for successful ABM marketing.


ABM is the future of marketing, and it's important to start incorporating this approach into your marketing strategy today. By focusing on high-value accounts, creating personalized content, and measuring success with focused metrics, you can improve your conversion rates, align sales and marketing efforts, and create a better customer experience. Seems like a no brainer, right?